One billion row challenge using base R


David Schoch


January 8, 2024

One of my new years resolutions is to blog a bit more on the random shenanigans I do with R. This is one of those.1

The One Billion Row challenge by Gunnar Morling is as follows:

write a Java program for retrieving temperature measurement values from a text file and calculating the min, mean, and max temperature per weather station. There’s just one caveat: the file has 1,000,000,000 rows!

I didn’t take long, also thanks to Hacker News, that the challenge spread to other programming languages. The original repository contains a show & tell where other results can be discussed.

Obviously it also spread to R and there is a GitHub repository from Alejandro Hagan dedicated to the challenge. There were some critical discussions on the seemingly bad performance of data.table but that issue thread also evolved to a discussion on other solutions.

The obvious candidates for fast solutions with R are dplyr, data.table, collapse, and polars. From those, it appears that polars might solve the tasks the fastest.

I was curious, how far one can get with base R.

Creating the data

The R repository contains a script to generate benchmark data. For the purpose of this post, I created files with 1e6 and 1e8 rows. Unfortunately, my personal laptop cannot handle 1 billion rows without dying.

Reading the data

All base R functions will profit from reading the state column as a factor instead of a usual string.

D <- data.table::fread("measurements1e6.csv", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
         measurement state
      1:    0.981969    NC
      2:    0.468715    MA
      3:   -0.107971    TX
      4:   -0.212878    VT
      5:    1.158098    OR
 999996:    0.743249    FL
 999997:   -1.685561    KS
 999998:   -0.118455    TX
 999999:    1.277437    MS
1000000:   -0.280085    MD

Who would have thought that stringAsFactors = TRUE can be useful.

The obvious: aggregate and split/lapply

The most obvious choice for me was to use aggregate().

sum_stats_vec <- function(x) c(min = min(x), max = max(x), mean = mean(x))
aggregate(measurement ~ state, data = D, FUN = sum_stats_vec) |> head()
  state measurement.min measurement.max measurement.mean
1    AK    -4.104494064     4.271009490      0.003082000
2    AL    -3.635024969     4.538671919     -0.007811050
3    AR    -3.813800485     4.101114941      0.008453876
4    AZ    -4.415050930     3.965124829      0.000228734
5    CA    -4.159725627     4.102446367      0.013649303
6    CO    -3.860489118     4.231415117     -0.001334096

I was pretty sure that this might be the best solution.

The other obvious solution is to split the data frame according to stats and then lapply the stats calculation on each list element.

split_lapply <- function(D) {
    result <- lapply(split(D, D$state), function(x) {
        stats <- sum_stats_vec(x$measurement)
            state = unique(x$state),
            min = stats[1],
            max = stats[2],
            mean = stats[3]
    })"rbind", result)
split_lapply(D) |> head()
   state      min     max         mean
AK    AK -4.10449 4.27101  0.003082000
AL    AL -3.63502 4.53867 -0.007811050
AR    AR -3.81380 4.10111  0.008453876
AZ    AZ -4.41505 3.96512  0.000228734
CA    CA -4.15973 4.10245  0.013649303
CO    CO -3.86049 4.23142 -0.001334096

The elegant: by

I stumbled upon by when searching for alternatives. I think it is a quite elegant way of solving a group/summarize task with base R. Unfortunately it returns a list and not a data frame or matrix (I made that an implicit requirement).

In the help for by I stumbled upon a function I wasn’t aware of yet: array2DF!

array2DF(by(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)) |> head()
  D$state      min     max         mean
1      AK -4.10449 4.27101  0.003082000
2      AL -3.63502 4.53867 -0.007811050
3      AR -3.81380 4.10111  0.008453876
4      AZ -4.41505 3.96512  0.000228734
5      CA -4.15973 4.10245  0.013649303
6      CO -3.86049 4.23142 -0.001334096

Does exactly what is needed here. For the benchmarks, I will also include a version without the array2DF call, to check its overhead.

Another apply: tapply

In the help for by, I also stumbled upon this sentence

Function by is an object-oriented wrapper for tapply applied to data frames.

So maybe we can construct a solution that uses tapply, but without any inbuilt overhead in by."rbind", tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)) |> head()
        min     max         mean
AK -4.10449 4.27101  0.003082000
AL -3.63502 4.53867 -0.007811050
AR -3.81380 4.10111  0.008453876
AZ -4.41505 3.96512  0.000228734
CA -4.15973 4.10245  0.013649303
CO -3.86049 4.23142 -0.001334096

At this point, I was also curious if the"rbind",list) can be sped up, so I constructed a second tapply solution.

sapply(tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec), rbind) |> head()
            AK          AL          AR           AZ         CA         CO
[1,] -4.104494 -3.63502497 -3.81380048 -4.415050930 -4.1597256 -3.8604891
[2,]  4.271009  4.53867192  4.10111494  3.965124829  4.1024464  4.2314151
[3,]  0.003082 -0.00781105  0.00845388  0.000228734  0.0136493 -0.0013341
              CT          DE          FL          GA          HI         IA
[1,] -3.91246424 -4.13994780 -3.74126137 -3.94660998 -4.01231812 -3.7908228
[2,]  4.42439303  4.10320343  3.61461913  3.92890675  3.54210746  4.1666241
[3,]  0.00365691  0.00300726  0.00364475  0.00998416  0.00831473  0.0121738
              ID          IL         IN         KS          KY          LA
[1,] -3.96453912 -3.89433528 -4.0396596 -4.0290851 -4.04857519 -3.83912209
[2,]  3.57787653  3.79539851  3.8997433  3.6210916  3.86743373  3.56924325
[3,]  0.00364403  0.00282924 -0.0116455  0.0147175 -0.00141356  0.00150667
              MA         MD         ME          MI          MN           MO
[1,] -4.03713867 -3.7447056 -3.9230949 -3.95286252 -4.41058377 -3.939103495
[2,]  3.79263060  3.7162898  3.6639929  4.15578354  4.31107098  4.428823170
[3,] -0.00695907 -0.0104974  0.0017803  0.00578387  0.00222535 -0.000530262
              MS         MT          NC         ND         NE          NH
[1,] -4.11033773 -4.0871006 -4.37736785 -4.0689381 -4.0600632 -3.91574348
[2,]  4.04043436  4.1620591  3.98113456  3.7439708  4.1786719  4.12714205
[3,]  0.00401617 -0.0051991 -0.00791303 -0.0065667 -0.0019952  0.00173286
              NJ         NM         NV          NY          OH          OK
[1,] -3.89749099 -3.8077381 -4.4999793 -4.10688778 -3.97073238 -4.01749904
[2,]  4.09297430  3.8533329  3.9841584  3.77539030  4.05541378  3.92196743
[3,] -0.00821633 -0.0045123  0.0059095 -0.00401249  0.00391791  0.00272036
               OR          PA          RI         SC          SD          TN
[1,] -3.755405173 -3.87864920 -3.65614672 -3.6360017 -4.25212184 -3.63011318
[2,]  4.299120255  4.18986336  4.25751403  4.1131445  3.74296173  3.92052537
[3,]  0.000427857 -0.00303136 -0.00419174 -0.0110226  0.00774345  0.00671216
              TX          UT         VA           VT          WA          WI
[1,] -4.20588875 -4.03481832 -4.2980081 -3.749369728 -3.76023936 -3.76302646
[2,]  3.92935839  3.99530205  3.8614655  3.990961895  3.87463693  4.32264119
[3,] -0.00784648 -0.00561814 -0.0124286 -0.000579563  0.00684453  0.00297232
             WV          WY
[1,] -3.6034317 -3.86099776
[2,]  3.9029500  4.11653276
[3,] -0.0090395 -0.00238027

and we should obviously also include our new found array2DF

array2DF(tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)) |> head()
  Var1      min     max         mean
1   AK -4.10449 4.27101  0.003082000
2   AL -3.63502 4.53867 -0.007811050
3   AR -3.81380 4.10111  0.008453876
4   AZ -4.41505 3.96512  0.000228734
5   CA -4.15973 4.10245  0.013649303
6   CO -3.86049 4.23142 -0.001334096

The obscure: reduce

I thought that this should be it, but then I remembered reduce exists. The solution is somewhat similar to split/lapply.

reduce <- function(D) {
    state_list <- split(D$measurement, D$state)
    Reduce(function(x, y) {
        res <- sum_stats_vec(state_list[[y]])
        rbind(x, data.frame(state = y, mean = res[1], min = res[2], max = res[3]))
    }, names(state_list), init = NULL)

reduce(D) |> head()
     state     mean     min          max
min     AK -4.10449 4.27101  0.003082000
min1    AL -3.63502 4.53867 -0.007811050
min2    AR -3.81380 4.10111  0.008453876
min3    AZ -4.41505 3.96512  0.000228734
min4    CA -4.15973 4.10245  0.013649303
min5    CO -3.86049 4.23142 -0.001334096

The unfair contender: Rfast

Pondering about how this functions could be sped up in general, I remembered the package Rfast and managed to construct a solution using this package.

Rfast <- function(D) {
    lev_int <- as.numeric(D$state)
    minmax <- Rfast::group(D$measurement, lev_int, method = "min.max")
        state = levels(D$state),
        mean = Rfast::group(D$measurement, lev_int, method = "mean"),
        min = minmax[1, ],
        max = minmax[2, ]

Rfast(D) |> head()
  state         mean      min     max
1    AK  0.003082000 -4.10449 4.27101
2    AL -0.007811050 -3.63502 4.53867
3    AR  0.008453876 -3.81380 4.10111
4    AZ  0.000228734 -4.41505 3.96512
5    CA  0.013649303 -4.15973 4.10245
6    CO -0.001334096 -3.86049 4.23142

Pretty sure that this will be the fastest, maybe even competitive with the other big packages!


For better readability I reorder the benchmark results from microbenchmark according to median runtime, with a function provided by Dirk Eddelbuettel.

reorderMicrobenchmarkResults <- function(res, order = "median") {
    stopifnot("Argument 'res' must be a 'microbenchmark' result" = inherits(res, "microbenchmark"))

    smry <- summary(res)
    res$expr <- factor(res$expr,
        levels = levels(res$expr)[order(smry[["median"]])],
        ordered = TRUE

First up the “small” dataset with 1e6 rows. I added the dplyr and data.table results as references.

sum_stats_list <- function(x) list(min = min(x), max = max(x), mean = mean(x))
sum_stats_tibble <- function(x) tibble::tibble(min = min(x), max = max(x), mean = mean(x))

bench1e6 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
    aggregate = aggregate(measurement ~ state, data = D, FUN = sum_stats_vec),
    split_lapply = split_lapply(D),
    array2DF_by = array2DF(by(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)),
    raw_by = by(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec),
    docall_tapply ="rbind", tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)),
    sapply_tapply = sapply(tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec), rbind),
    array2DF_tapply = array2DF(tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)),
    reduce = reduce(D),
    Rfast = Rfast(D),
    dplyr = D |> dplyr::group_by(state) |> dplyr::summarise(sum_stats_tibble(measurement)) |> dplyr::ungroup(),
    datatable = D[, .(sum_stats_list(measurement)), by = state],
    times = 25

expr min lq mean median uq max neval
datatable 13.4325 15.2802 16.8016 15.5527 17.6287 22.9133 25
Rfast 13.5639 16.5295 19.1905 18.0986 21.3507 33.5924 25
array2DF_tapply 27.5491 30.9502 37.5948 32.3145 36.7538 132.9784 25
docall_tapply 28.4628 30.7052 39.9436 32.3174 33.7132 99.6504 25
sapply_tapply 28.8092 30.1596 46.0100 33.3971 37.7851 101.5850 25
raw_by 40.9116 44.1075 52.2293 45.9647 48.4539 119.5348 25
array2DF_by 43.2958 45.8177 58.4240 48.8741 52.2750 132.8981 25
reduce 50.1459 54.1688 62.8492 59.3776 62.6560 143.3252 25
dplyr 62.6194 66.1931 82.9065 68.9263 71.7941 364.2103 25
split_lapply 84.7424 90.0375 110.7041 96.4528 113.7201 168.3835 25
aggregate 319.9465 335.0173 386.0137 369.7291 429.6735 538.2916 25

First of, I was very surprised by the bad performance of aggregate. I looked at the source code and it appears to be a more fancy lapply/split type of functions with a lot of if/else and for which do slow down the function heavily. For the benchmark with the bigger dataset, I actually discarded the function because it was way too slow.

Apart from that, there are three groups. Rfast and data.table are the fastest clearly the fastest. The second group are the tapply versions. I am quite pleased with the fact that the data frame building via, sapply and array2DF are very much comparable, because I really like my array2DF discovery. The remaining solutions are pretty much comparable. I am surprised though, that dplyr falls behind many of the base solutions.2

Moving on to the 100 million file to see if size makes a difference.

D <- data.table::fread("measurements1e8.csv", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

bench1e8 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
    # aggregate = aggregate(measurement ~ state, data = D, FUN = sum_stats_vec),
    split_lapply = split_lapply(D),
    array2DF_by = array2DF(by(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)),
    raw_by = by(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec),
    docall_tapply ="rbind", tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)),
    sapply_tapply = sapply(tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec), rbind),
    array2DF_tapply = array2DF(tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)),
    reduce = reduce(D),
    Rfast = Rfast(D),
    dplyr = D |> dplyr::group_by(state) |> dplyr::summarise(sum_stats_tibble(measurement)) |> dplyr::ungroup(),
    datatable = D[, .(sum_stats_list(measurement)), by = state],
    times = 10

expr min lq mean median uq max neval
Rfast 1.61404 2.00889 2.06342 2.09445 2.14546 2.41314 10
datatable 2.17933 2.20079 2.29543 2.23828 2.33378 2.70186 10
dplyr 2.80742 2.87777 3.04344 3.00719 3.17387 3.45470 10
reduce 2.72298 2.98724 3.19725 3.12715 3.46963 3.77594 10
docall_tapply 2.82332 2.91701 3.22054 3.25852 3.32141 3.73731 10
sapply_tapply 2.78456 2.81968 3.19675 3.29218 3.43617 3.66894 10
array2DF_tapply 3.11413 3.17007 3.37320 3.30678 3.56680 3.70316 10
array2DF_by 5.01008 5.06045 5.48980 5.42499 5.82906 6.01545 10
raw_by 4.78366 5.33826 5.46399 5.56182 5.67001 6.04721 10
split_lapply 5.95249 6.44981 6.55665 6.56029 6.84631 6.87408 10

Again we see three groups, but this time with clearer cut-offs. Rfast and data.table dominate and Rfast actually has a slight edge! The second group are tapply, reduce and dplyr. Surprisingly, by falls behind here, together with split/lapply.


I managed to run some of the functions on a 1e9 file.

bench1e9 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
    docall_tapply ="rbind", tapply(D$measurement, D$state, sum_stats_vec)),
    reduce = reduce(D),
    Rfast = Rfast(D),
    dplyr = D |> dplyr::group_by(state) |> dplyr::summarise(sum_stats_tibble(measurement)) |> dplyr::ungroup(),
    datatable = D[, .(sum_stats_list(measurement)), by = state],
    times = 5

The previously fastest base solutions fall of a little bit, but are in my opinion still very good and still comparable with dplyr! Also, I learned that one can reorder microbenchmark results with the print command!


This was a fun little exercise, and I think I learned a lot of new things about base R, especially the existence of arry2DF!

What was surprising is how competitive base R actually is with the “big guns”. I was expecting a much bigger margin between data.table and the base solutions, but that was not the case.


  1. Also inspired by a post of Danielle Navarro about the cultural loss of today’s serious blogging business.↩︎

  2. It is far more readable though.↩︎



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Schoch, David},
  title = {One Billion Row Challenge Using Base {R}},
  date = {2024-01-08},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Schoch, David. 2024. “One Billion Row Challenge Using Base R.” January 8, 2024.